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Her Hopeful Heart (PAPERBACK)

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Paperback Book 4O The Amish Bonnet Sisters series. 

Debbie is stepping into a new life beyond what she had ever imagined, and her family is right there with her. They're pitching in, ensuring her new home is as warm and welcoming as possible. It's a team effort, and Favor and Cherish refuse to go home until it feels just right.
'Her Hopeful Heart' is all about the surprises life throws at us, the support of loved ones, and the exciting possibility that change can bring.

If you haven't started the Amish Bonnet Sisters series yet, it's best to start with book #1 Amish Mercy.

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Chapter 1.
Debbie's eyes fluttered open to a dimly lit room, and before she could register where she was, her heart leaped into her throat. Cherish was hovering inches from her face, her eyes bright and concerned.
"Cherish!" Debbie gasped. "You nearly scared the living daylights out of me!"
"I'm sorry," Cherish replied, her lips quirking into a smile. "I didn't mean to startle you. I was seeing if you were awake."
"My eyes would've been open if I was awake."
Cherish laughed. "Sorry, Debbie. I just thought… we must do something to cheer you up today."
From the floor, a sleepy mumble interrupted their conversation. Favor sat up, rubbing her eyes. "I agree with Cherish. It will be too depressing if you stay home today. You've got to get out and do something."
Then, all the girls started waking up. Wilma's daughters were in the room, including Krystal and Bliss. There was barely a square inch of floor where there wasn't someone sleeping.
Debbie pulled the quilt higher around her as the previous day's events replayed in her mind: the humiliation, the sorrow, and the abandonment by Fritz. "I don't feel like doing anything right now. If I go anywhere, people will talk about what happened."
Bliss put her arms over her head and stretched. "We understand. But you can't put your life on hold forever. You've gotta keep moving forward."
"I just... I never imagined waking up here, in Wilma's house, after... everything," Debbie said, her voice shaky. "I thought today I would've been in my new home with Fritz and starting a new life."
"Even the mention of his name makes me cross. I can't believe what he did to you," Mercy grumbled.
A moment of silence fell over the room. Then, Cherish's face lit up with an idea. "Why not move into the house that Mamm said was from Levi? It's just sitting there, waiting for a family to make it their home. Why not make it a home for you and Jared?"
Debbie bit her lip as she thought about it. She did need some kind of distraction.
Favor nodded eagerly, getting up from the mattress. "It's a great idea! It would help if you moved in there before we go home. We can help you get settled in and make it cozy for Jared. We can find a tree for that birdhouse he gave you."
Debbie hesitated, torn between the comfort of the familiar and the unknown. "I don't know..."
"It's a fresh start, Debbie. A place free of yesterday's memories. Somewhere you and Jared can create happier memories. If you stay here, it might be depressing," Bliss said.
Favor added, "You won't be alone. We'll be right by your side every step of the way. Cherish and I won't go home until you're all moved in. Right, Cherish?"
"Right." Cherish gave a nod. "We can stay for a few more days. Even if Ruth has to go home before us, we can hire a car to take us back."
Debbie blinked back tears. "I really need to talk with Fritz to find out…"
"There's no excuse," Mercy snapped. 
"I still love him. I can't just switch my feelings off."
Honor's response was a little calmer. "He left you that note, and there's no doubt that the note was from him. So what more is there to be said?"
"Don't speak with him, Debbie. He'll only hurt you further," Bliss said. 
"They're all right," Cherish announced. "Why he did what he did doesn't matter. It says everything!"
"I don't want to make any big decisions right now, but I was expecting a huge change in my life, and now… it's just the same as it always was."
Cherish started folding blankets. "That's right, so you can still have that huge change you were building up to. You must fly the nest, Debbie, just like I did when I left for the farm."
Debbie looked at the young woman she felt was the most sensible. "What do you think, Honor?"
"I agree that you might feel better if you do that," Honor said.
"Okay," Debbie whispered. "But I'll have to ask Wilma what she thinks. I don't even know if I should be making decisions like this right now."
"She'll miss you, but she'll understand," Cherish said.
Debbie's mind drifted back to the humiliation of Fritz leaving her at the altar. She didn't know if she would ever get over it. "Maybe I should move to another town where no one knows me."
Cherish moved closer, placing an arm around her. "It's not your fault. People will talk, yes, but in time, it will pass. No one will think badly of you. It's Fritz who'll be the one everyone is upset with."
Favor added, "And if anyone says anything unkind, they'll have to answer to me." 
Debbie shook her head. "They won't say anything; they'll just pity me. If I stay here, everything will remind me of him. How do I move on from that?"
"One day at a time. Each step, each breath, will get a little easier. And remember, you have us. We'll be by your side through all of it. That is until we go home, but you'll feel much better by then," Bliss said.
Favor chimed in, "Think about Jared, too. He'll need a strong mother; you're the best mother he could ask for. Let's focus on the future and its joy for you both."
"Does it seem bad? Yes, and we all know how you must feel, but concentrate on other things. You'll find another man, a better man." Mercy shook her head. "I knew he wasn't right for you and saw something like this happening. I tried to say it to you, but there's only so much a person can warn another person."
Cherish glared at Mercy. "Oh, Mercy, you say that now, but you couldn't have seen it coming." 
Mercy opened her mouth to argue back, but Honor got in first. "Let's not argue about who predicted it or not. We all have to support Debbie today, and this is not how to do it."
Debbie nodded slowly, taking in all the opinions. She knew she couldn't hide forever, and with the support of her dear friends, maybe she could find the strength to face the world again.
Favor stood up, stretching. "How about some breakfast? I'm starving."
Cherish chuckled. "Only you could think of food at a time like this."
Favor put a hand on her belly. "I can't help it. I'm eating for two now."
They all laughed, and even Debbie managed a smile. 
Once they had changed into their day clothes, they went downstairs, the scent of fresh bread and brewing coffee filling the air. 
Debbie found Jared quietly engrossed in his drawing, scribbling away at his little corner table. She kissed the top of his head, and he didn't even look up when she said good morning. 
Wilma was over the stove, flipping pancakes. "Debbie, how are you feeling this morning?" 
Debbie gave a weak smile, sitting at the table with the others. "I'm okay. As good as can be expected." 
Wilma stared at Debbie a little harder. "Did you sleep well?"
"Yes, no. I don't know how. Sleep hasn't made me feel much better, but I suppose things will get easier with time… once people forget what happened. Once it's just a dim memory for all of us."
Wilma turned back to the pancakes. "Most people would've forgotten already. People are interested in their own lives mostly."
Favor and Cherish agreed, but Debbie knew it wasn't so. There would be letters being written and phone calls made. People would be talking about this for years to come, not only in their community but in Fritz's as well.
"Debbie has an idea she wants to discuss with you, Mamm," Cherish said. 
Debbie wasn't sure where to start. "First, I need some of those delicious-looking pancakes." 
"Me too." Favor looked over at Jared. "You're quiet this morning. Got no 'good mornings' for anyone?"
Jared looked up as though he had only just noticed they were there. "Good morning, people."
They heard the front door open and close at that moment, and then there were footsteps. 
Ada burst into the kitchen. "Debbie!" she exclaimed, rushing over to embrace her. "How are you holding up?" 
"Ada, slow down." Cherish jumped up and pulled out a chair for Ada. 
"Oh, hush, Cherish." Ada shook her head and continued hugging Debbie. 
"I'm fine, Ada, thanks for asking," Debbie eventually responded as she patted Ada's arm. 
Ada then sat down in the seat Cherish had offered. 
"Where is Harriet?" Favor asked, looking around. 
"She's still sleeping. She'll be over later," Ada announced.
"What? She never sleeps this late," Favor squawked.
Ada grinned. "Maybe she's enjoying the break from doing all your housework and cooking." 
"Possibly, but I hope she doesn't get into a lazy pattern. We'll have a baby to raise soon. There'll be no time for sleeping in." Favor's lips turned down at the corners. 
"You and Simon will have a baby to raise," Ada pointed out. "Harriet will not—"
"Harriet wants to play a part. She said so," Favor blurted out.
Ada gave Favor a disapproving look and then stared at Debbie. "I got the number of where Fritz's mother is staying, and I spoke with her."
Debbie's eyes opened wide. "Is he coming back?"
Everyone looked over at Ada waiting to hear the news.

FAQs Series Reading Order

THE AMISH BONNET SISTERS (best read in order)

Book 1 Amish Mercy

Book 2 Amish Honor

Book 3 A Simple Kiss

Book 4 Amish Joy

Book 5 Amish Family Secrets

Book 6 The Englisher

Book 7 Missing Florence

Book 8 Their Amish Stepfather

Book 9 A Baby For Florence

Book 10 Amish Bliss

Book 11 Amish Apple Harvest

Book 12 Amish Mayhem

Book 13 The Cost of Lies

Book 14 Amish Winter of Hope

Book 15 A Baby For Joy

Book 16 The Amish Meddler

Book 17 The Unsuitable Amish Bride

Book 18 Her Amish Farm

Book 19 The Unsuitable Amish Wedding

Book 20 Her Amish Secret

Book 21 Amish Harvest Mayhem

Book 22 Amish Family Quilt

Book 23 Hope's Amish Wedding

Book 24 A Heart of Hope

Book 25 A Season for Change

Book 26 Amish Farm Mayhem

Book 27 The Stolen Amish Wedding

Book 28 A Season for Second Chances

Book 29 A Change of Heart

Book 30 The Last Wedding

Book 31 Starting Over

Book 32 Love and Cherish

Book 33 Amish Neighbors

Book 34 Her Amish Quilt

Book 35 A Home of Their Own

Book 36 A Chance for Love

Book 37 Her Amish Wish

Book 38 Amish Harvest Time

Book 39 Whispers of Change

Book 40 Her Hopeful Heart

Book 41 Return to Love's Promise

Book 42 Amish Circle of Blessings