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Find out what happens when several visitors join Cherish at her farm. You won't believe it! Cherish finally has a love interest but will she grow tired of his mother being the main woman in his life?

Along with a devastating natural disaster and the usual everyday disasters surrounding the sisters, this trip will be life-changing for one of the girls.

After much soul-searching, Adam makes a final decision about Bliss.

The Amish Bonnet Sisters Book #26

Paperback, perfect bound 424 pages
Publication date January 28, 2022
Dimensions 6 x 9 inches
Publisher Samantha Price


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Chapter 1.
Cherish finally arrived at her farm and a weight lifted off her shoulders as she breathed in the air. It was so different from the air in Lancaster County. She was home. 
She, along with her mother, Bliss and Favor, had stopped along the way to visit Simon Koppel, Cherish’s potential boyfriend, whom she'd met at Hope's wedding. He lived with his parents and they were there too. The Koppel threesome were arriving at the farm tomorrow and were planning to stay a few days. The way their brief visit with them had played out, Cherish had left wondering how they’d all survive in the same house for days.
Malachi, Cherish’s farm manager, had come out of the house to meet Cherish and her family members with his new friend. The friend was a goose—a real one. Cherish wasn’t really surprised, not after Malachi explained he didn't consider a goose the same as the chickens about which he had a lifelong phobia. Nothing about Malachi surprised her anymore. 
The goose, whose name was Wally, followed him everywhere and much to Wilma’s disapproval, the goose even followed him into the house. 
“So what is this with the bird in the house, Malachi?” Wilma asked.
“It’s a goose,” Bliss and Favor said at the same time.
A giggle escaped Cherish’s lips. 
Wilma lifted her chin. “I’m always corrected, even when I’m not wrong. Do you know what the girls have done to me, Malachi? At home, we have two birds, a dog, and a rabbit in my house when I don’t want any animals in the house at all—not one. They know this and they don’t care.”
“Don’t worry, Wilma. Wally’s housetrained.” Malachi leaned down and rubbed Wally’s neck.
Then Mamm crouched down and studied the goose. “How can a wild animal be house trained? Oh dear, help me up, Cherish.” Wilma held up her arm and Cherish pulled her to her feet. 
“Stop worrying, Mamm,” Cherish told her. “Malachi wouldn’t say he was housetrained if he wasn’t.”
Malachi smiled as he explained, “Wally isn’t really wild anymore. He’s tame. He goes to the door if he wants to go out. He does what he needs to do and then he comes back in.”
Wilma’s lips turned down at the corners. “I’ll see it when I believe it.”
The girls laughed at her.
“What’s funny?” Wilma looked at each one of them. 
“You said it the wrong way around,” Favor told her. “You mean, you’ll believe it when you see it.”
“That’s what I said.”  
“No, you didn’t.” Bliss tried to stifle her giggles. 
Wilma sighed. “I’m tired from the long car ride and from you girls constantly belittling me.”
The smile left Bliss’s face. “I’m sorry, Mamm. We don’t mean to do that.”
“We won’t do it again,” Favor added. “I agree with Bliss. We didn’t mean to do that.”
“Good because it’s tiring. The food smells good, Malachi. What do you have on the stove?” Mamm asked.
“I made us a beef stew for dinner and I’ll be cookin’ mashed potatoes and beans to go with it.”
“It does smell delicious,” Bliss said. 
An hour later, Mamm and the girls were peeling the potatoes and stringing the beans. They wouldn’t let Malachi do anything, telling him he’d done enough in making the stew. Malachi sat down at the kitchen table with them, drinking coffee while they worked.
“I wonder how Debbie made out today with her tea,” Bliss said. 
Mamm looked up at the ceiling. “That’s right. She was going to the tea expert.”
Cherish couldn’t stop worrying about her birds and her dog. “I hope Matthew remembered to feed Tommy and Timmy.”
“What’s Timmy’s friend like?” Malachi asked.
“Tommy? He’s pretty much like Timmy, but he doesn’t talk yet. Timmy’s getting so good at talking.”
“What does he say?” Malachi asked.
“Nearly everything. Whatever you want him to say.”
“That’s not so, Cherish.” Favor went on to tell Malachi exactly what few words Timmy could say, including the words he tried to say, but weren’t too clear.
Cherish sat there, wondering if she should’ve left Favor at home. Her sister had embarrassed her just now. What if she did that when Simon and his parents were here? The only thing to do was to have a talk with her. Hopefully next time, she’d close her mouth.
Cherish’s opportunity came when Malachi went outside to fetch some more firewood. “Favor, please don’t say I’m wrong in front of people. It sounded like I was lying or exaggerating.”
“What do you mean?” Favor asked. Cherish didn’t waste time telling her exactly what she was upset about. 
“Oh that. I’m sorry. I didn’t know it would make you upset, and you really were exaggerating. Everyone knows Timmy can’t talk that well.”
“If I do anything like that again…”
“Keep your mouth closed.”
“I agree,” Wilma said. “If it’s not your conversation, Favor, keep out of it.”
Favor sighed. “Okay. I am sorry, Cherish.”
Cherish breathed out the air she’d been holding on to and then nodded to acknowledge Favor's apology. That had gone a whole lot easier than she’d expected it would.
“It’s nice that you girls are getting along so well, and you’re able to sort out your differences in a mature way. I think we’re going to have a lovely time here at the farm.”
“We will, Mamm,” Bliss assured her. 
Favor got up and looked out the window. “It’s funny how that goose follows him everywhere. It makes Malachi look intriguing, don’t you think? If I didn’t know him and I just saw him walking down the street with Wally, I’d want to get to know him.”
Everyone stared at Favor and no one said anything.
Favor kept talking. “Well, that’s what I think. No one has to agree with me. I’m used to being the odd one out. I was probably adopted.”
“No, you certainly were not! I gave birth to you, suffered in agonizing pain for several hours. You didn’t want to come out.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean it. It’s not my fault. I couldn’t help it. I don’t even remember it.”
Mamm made a face. “I’m just saying you aren’t adopted.”
“Favor knows that. She looks too much like the rest of us,” Cherish said. 
Bliss finally joined in the conversation. “I know what Favor means, saying a man being followed by a goose would look interesting and intriguing. For me, no man looks interesting. There’s only one man in my heart. Well, there was.”
Mamm leaned over and put her arm around Bliss, who was sitting beside her. “You’re here to forget about Adam. Don’t go thinking about him for at least three days. Can you do that?”
“I’ll really try. It’ll be hard because he’s always on my mind, and in my heart. I will try to forget, that’s all I can do.”
“Good.” Mamm rose to her feet and then headed over to the stove and stirred the stew. “It smells delicious. I can’t wait to taste it.”
“Thanks for allowing us all to come, Mamm,” Cherish said. 
“I know how you love it and I do try to let you come here once a year. Just don’t get too used to it. I’ll be happy if you wait a few years before you move here permanently if that’s what you decide to do.”
“I know. I’ll think about it.”
“Do you mean, ‘we’ll see?’ That’s what Mamm always says when she means that she won’t think about what we asked her and the answer is most likely no.” Favor giggled.
Cherish laughed at what Favor said and even Bliss managed to curve her lips upward. 
Mamm lifted her chin. “I hardly ever say ‘we’ll see.’ I don’t know what you’re talking about, Favor. First you say you’re adopted and then you go putting words into my mouth. What’s gotten into you?”
“Yes, you do say 'we’ll see,'” Favor said.
“You do, Mamm,” Cherish told her.
“I see what’s going to happen here. Everyone is going to make fun of me and tell the Koppels unkind stories about me.”
“Not everyone will do that,” Favor said. “I’m sure Bliss won’t and Malachi won’t.”
Cherish laughed, pleased that Favor was in such a fun and playful mood. She used to be like this before Krystal came to stay with them. Then she turned moody and sullen when Krystal left. 
“The Koppels won’t think much of you if you make fun of me,” Mamm warned.
“They’re joking,” Bliss told Mamm.
“I hope so.”
“They are, don’t worry. They’re only teasing you. Aren’t you? Tell her.” Bliss looked at Favor and then looked over at Cherish. 
Cherish huffed. “I like the way I’m dragged into this when I haven’t said anything at all. It’s all been Favor.”
“You laughed with me.” Favor poked her shoulder. 
“I might have been laughing at you.” Cherish pouted.
“You were laughing with me. Stop it,” Favor said. “You’re always making excuses as well as exaggerating and telling half-truths.”
“Both of you make up with each other,” Bliss told the pair of them. “We all need to have this time away to clear our heads.”
Favor and Cherish looked at each other. “I’m glad you’re finally here at the farm, Favor.” Cherish hugged Favor, and Favor hugged her back. 
“I’m pleased too. Let’s not argue. Let’s just agree that I’m always right because I always am.” Favor giggled again and Cherish laughed along with her. 
“Okay. You’re always right. Just don’t embarrass me and we’ll get along fine.”
“Good. Now let’s get on with it,” Mamm said just before she sneaked a taste of the stew.

FAQs Series Reading Order


Book 1 Amish Mercy

Book 2 Amish Honor

Book 3 A Simple Kiss

Book 4 Amish Joy

Book 5 Amish Family Secrets

Book 6 The Englisher

Book 7 Missing Florence

Book 8 Their Amish Stepfather

Book 9 A Baby For Florence

Book 10 Amish Bliss

Book 11 Amish Apple Harvest

Book 12 Amish Mayhem

Book 13 The Cost of Lies

Book 14 Amish Winter of Hope

Book 15 A Baby For Joy

Book 16 The Amish Meddler

Book 17 The Unsuitable Amish Bride

Book 18 Her Amish Farm

Book 19 The Unsuitable Amish Wedding

Book 20 Her Amish Secret

Book 21 Amish Harvest Mayhem

Book 22 Amish Family Quilt

Book 23 Hope's Amish Wedding

Book 24 A Heart of Hope

Book 25 A Season for Change

Book 26 Amish Farm Mayhem

Book 27 The Stolen Amish Wedding

Book 28 A Season for Second Chances

Book 29 A Change of Heart

Book 30 The Last Wedding

Book 31 Starting Over

Book 32 Love and Cherish

Book 33 Amish Neighbors

Book 34 Her Amish Quilt

Book 35 A Home of Their Own

Book 36 A Chance for Love

Book 37 Her Amish Wish

Book 38 Amish Harvest Time

Book 39 Whispers of Change

Book 40 Her Hopeful Heart

Book 41 Return to Love's Promise

Book 42 Amish Circle of Blessings